Our wish is to pass the torch by fostering the legacy of learning and good-will. The Yeoh Foundation’s ultimate goals are to support all, especially underprivileged children and to inspire them to pursue their dreams.
Dr. Yeoh led a very simple and austere life, but he was always generous in doing charity with his own efforts, either using whatever financial resources he had at that time, with his time and his medical skills. During his lifetime he touched, changed and elevated the lives of many people. He was an unsung shining example to many who came to know him but he didn’t clamour for fame or recognition.
He survived the Second World War and came close to death at least on a couple of occasions. He witnessed human suffering to the extreme yet knew about how to be selfless even in times of extreme adversity. We want to keep the torch lit in his memory.
We at the Yeoh Foundation have hopes of creating sustainable, long-term aid programs. Our efforts are focused on education as we believe it is the cornerstone of self-reliance. Other than just academics, we also support other various aspects of people’s lives such as social, creative, sporting and more. Above all, we hope to give opportunities to disadvantaged people. The Yeoh Foundation is borderless. There are under-privileged people all over the world and we want to be there to lend a helping hand, however we can. .
The Yeoh Foundation aspires to eventually expand its efforts to a global scale. To us, all children are sacred and deserve every opportunity that can be afforded to them, regardless of geographic location.